a dialogue that I hate the most!
some random people (SRP): udah kuliah ya? jurusan apa?
me: komunikasi *sambil tersenyum manis*
SRP: wah anak komunikasi ya, berarti harus jago ngomong dong, harus supel sama semua orang. hmm tapi kalo kuliah komunikasi, ntar kerjanya jadi apa ya?
me: ...
and this conversation happened more than once -,-
yes, I'm a communication student and I'M PROUD!
yes, I'm a communication student and maybe the employment isn't as obvious as a medical student who'll be a doctor or as an engineering student who'll be an engineer. BUT, after I graduate, I'LL GET A JOB and it's gonna be a fuckin' good, awesome and successful one!!! *amin*
and by the way, communication isn't always about talking. but it's also about listening, questioning, analyzing, writing and understanding.
so, you better stop your cynical gaze and comments everytime you ask what I'm majoring in.
*maaf ya, karena post ini semacam curhat yang pake ngamuk*
*istighfar banyak2*
amal, mahasiswa ilmu komunikasi universitas airlangga 2011
kasih 1000 jempol deh buat kamyuu
BalasHapushahaha mentag2 jariku jempol semua, dikasih byk jempol deh :p anyway, thanks per :D